Hi friends, in this story we are going to discuss the process to be adopted by Payment Gateway Service providers to partner with “Rajasthan Payment Platform” e-Payment channel of Rajasthan State Government.
To make things clear I have divided the entire cycle into five steps as listed below-
Approval of Proposal
First, firm need to submit expression of interest to MD, RISL (Rajcomp Info Services Ltd.) covering following points
- Firms’ capabilities statement
- Firms’ setup structure — Offices and support structure
- Clientele and business in last 3–5 years
- Status of RBI/Govt of India compliances required to run PG business
- PCI-DSS Compliance status
- Location of Data Centre’s
- Financial proposal covering convenience fees rates to be charged from consumers for all different type of payment methods (net banking, cards, upi etc)
Things to be taken care for getting financial proposal approved in one-shot
- Net banking rates should be at par with rates offered by other payment gateway service providers.
- Settlement cycle should be T+1
- Centralized dashboard for reporting and user management — Daily MIS, Daily settlement file, User Management for granting access to department users
- API System: Refund API, MIS Report API, Settlement file API or Settlement file over SFTP
Next Step
On receipt of proposal, proposal is initially reviewed by Officer-in-Charge of RPP and if any correction required (specially in financial proposal), revised proposal is taken from the firm.
After initial approval, received final proposal is submitted to competent authority, Government of Rajasthan for approval.
On receipt of approval, activities listed below are taken up.
Agreement, Guarantee & Integration
On receipt of approval on proposal from competent authority, following activities are carried out-
- Agreement: Draft agreement of RISL is shared with the firm for review and consent. After agreeing of both the parties, final Agreement is to be submitted by the firm to RISL for acceptance and signing (On Stamp paper of Rs. 500/-)
- Bank Guarantee: After signing of agreement, firm need to submit two bank guarantees’, namely — Transaction Security and Performance Security.
- Technical Integration: After completion of above two activities, technical integration is carried out.
Technical side key points:
- Firm need to submit their technical integration document to RPP team which in turn review the document and submit their findings.
- As RPP is a fully configurable system, things are to be configured on RPP as per technical integration document of PG
- If any changes are required from PG side on technical front, then same are notified to the concerned team to come up with changes (may require writing of some wrappers).
- On completion of configuration, system is tested on UAT server and confirmation is shared with concerned team
MIS and Settlement Configuration
Before moving to Live environment, RPP team may ask payment gateway team to share formats of daily MIS reports, settlement reports and if required, gateway team need to incorporate changes in these reports as per need of RPP system.
All these reports are configured on RPP system for daily imports and reconciliations.
After completion of all phases listed above, RPP team share documents for onboarding of it’s first merchant — e-Mitra. Documents are shared as per document list of respective Payment Gateway. On receipt of documents, PG team releases MID’s (Merchant ID) for e-Mitra and share required keys (secret key, if any).
MID and keys are configured in RPP system and system is tested with few transactions before making things live on e-Mitra.
Multi-Merchant Onboarding
After successful running of LIVE system on e-Mitra, at least for 3 months, without any issue in daily mis, settlements, API’s etc., RPP team proceeds to use same Payment Gateway services for other departments onboarding that are requesting collection services through RPP.
All the information listed above clearly guides new payment gateway service provider firms to start working with Rajasthan State Government e-Payment channel — Rajasthan Payment Platform to help citizens of state in making digital payments seamlessly. For any query or clarification, feel free to write at support[dot]rpp[at]rajathan.gov.in